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CFO: Independence and freedom

Cluster Family Office offers you independence and freedom

Only Independent Family Offices can put themselves in the same place as the Client, as long as the following criteria is met:

How do we offer freedom and independence?

No commitment agreements

There is no commitment agreement or minimum contract periods for services between Cluster Group and its clients.

All of them have the freedom to decide whether to continue with our services or rescind them at any given time.

Assets are held exclusively in the Client's name

Cluster Group does not accept any powers or authorizations on behalf of the Client to carry out transactions related to their wealth, except for those made as portfolio management mandates through the financial firm Banco Alcalá, registered with the Bank of Spain supervision #0188, of whom we are authorized officers.

Absolute personalisation

Each Client, each Family is a unique case and the management of their wealth is rigorously adapted to the personal and financial objectives of each one of them.

Independence and alignment of interests with Clients

Independence of external collaborators.

We are independent. Our origin and our shareholder structure allows us to maintain an authentic investor vision and mentality, and excludes any possibility of dependency. Therefore, our interests and those of our Clients are fully aligned.

Exhaustive information

Another indispensable objective of our Family Office is to provide the Client and his/her family with exhaustive, real, confidential and integral information, as well as a continuous communication

Service fees

Our fees for financial services are set quarterly based on the Client’s total assets or based on the performance results and objectives achieved.

These are the only systems that guarantee total independence of a family office as it prevents typical malpractices found in the asset management sector:

  1. Unnecessary transactions to generate commissions
  2. The creation and maintenance of complex, costly and unnecessary legal structures.
  3. Assumption of unnecessary risks

Want to know more? We will call you

We can help you proctect and grow your wealth.

Complete the form and we will call you within 48 hours

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