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Gian Paolo Amato

Managing Partner

cluster family office Gian Amato

Fixed income, equity and private equity investment analyst. Consultant on financial planning, and creation of international structures for investments and asset holdings.

Previously he worked as a Financial Advisor in the Global Wealth Management division of Merrill Lynch USA. In this role, he was responsible for managing investment portfolios and prospecting new clients in South Florida, USA. He also worked in an IT consulting and technology platform provider company, where he held several positions of responsibility. He joins Cluster Family office in May of 2009.

Mr. Amato received a Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Trade, from Florida Atlantic University. He holds a Post-Graduate Degree in Wealth Management from the Institut d’Estudis Financers, and a Master in Corporate Finance from the University of Barcelona. In addition, he completed the Investment Decisions and Behavioral Finance Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

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